We are a couple from Blackpool, England (insert judgement here) who went on a year-long backpacking trip and have been trying to find ways to build travel into our lives ever since.

We’ve had the chance to visit many countries and continents and by far the thing that keeps the travel bug ticking is the people we meet along the way. We truely believe telling travel stories can connect the world and right now the world needs exactly that.

Perhaps our roots somehow draw us to dispel myths and misconceptions about places we visit and the people we meet. Oh, yeah… my day job (and other passion) is psychology so sometimes things might get deep (soz!).

Anyway, we love all things travel, people, culture, tastes, history, sights, and even nightbuses (disclaimer: I only am able to say this because I haven’t been on one in the last week). We wanted a place to store our stories – and if we can spur more people to adapt their lives to travel more, and in the meantime – that is a bonus.

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